代写 BUSM3255_1650 (Strategy) assignment
代写 BUSM3255_1650 (Strategy) assignment
Assessment Task 1 ‘Small CLN’ Class Case Study Written Submission and Assessment Task 2A Presentation
Word Limit (Paper): 2000
Time Limit (Presentation): 15 minutes, 5 minutes Question and Answer
Weighting: 40% (25% Paper, 15% Presentation)
Purpose: To apply the tools and techniques of strategic analysis and the ‘Small CLN’s’ understanding of the strategy process to a practical case study situation.
Process/Assessment: Refer Hubbard (1996, 2000) for instructions on analyzing a case study. All the information needed to respond to the case is provided in the case, the text, and class materials. The External Links available in the Distributed Learning System provides another useful and practical available resource. No specific questions are given for the case. ‘Small CLNs’ should analyse the case situation and also make recommendations as to what the company and/or individual(s) in the case should do. The analysis should address four issues:
1. External Environment, Industry Environment and Critical Success Factors (20% of the available marks).
Company Analysis (20%).
SWOT (15%).
Recommendations, including justifications, of how the organisation should address these key issues (35%).
The recommendations should be consistent with the analysis and pick up all major issues identified in the analysis. The subject leader will be looking for the ‘Small CLN’ to identify, prioritise and address the key issues impacting shareholder and stakeholder value and discuss/debate this in class.
‘Small CLNs’ will be assessed on their Question and Answer performance (10% of the available marks).
The case study is a valuable teaching and learning tool and an exercise in business writing. Attention should be given to grammar, presentation and the logic of the argument. If you would not give the case you have prepared to your immediate report in the workplace then think again about presentation before submission to the Subject Leader.
‘Small CLN’s’ to be no greater than 4.
The Case Study must be referenced using the Author/Date system. Assignments must be checked through TurnItin.
Reference: Hubbard, G. 1996, ‘Analysing a case’, in G. Lewis, A. Morkel, G. Hubbard, Stockport, G. and Davenport, S. (eds.) Cases in Strategic Management: Australia and New Zealand, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, Sydney, pp. viii-xvi. (Class Distribution)
代写 BUSM3255_1650 (Strategy) assignment
Assessment Task 2B – CLN Reading Workshop Presentation
Duration: 15 Minutes (15 PowerPoint slides maximum)
Weighting: 10%
Due: On the date/in the session agreed with the class facilitator
This task will be completed in the CLN you have nominated for the course.
The PowerPoint slides will be submitted to the class facilitator at the start of class and uploaded in Turnitin.
A key learning outcome of the course is for students to build understanding of the strategy field in an international context - exploring issues of strategy process, content and context. Students will learn to apply the tools and techniques of strategic analysis.
In the reading workshop you will work with the facilitator to prepare a presentation on the lecture topic, the two perspectives for discussion on the lecture topic, and two key readings that support these perspectives (e.g. Business Level Strategy, Reading 1 Day and Moorman (2010) and Reading 2 Barney (1991)).
The request is for a 15 minute presentation with a maximum of 15 slides. Brief introduction to your presentation and the topic should be one slide, and the two perspectives should be on a second slide. The remaining slides should focus on the two priority readings agreed with the class facilitator, and provide an example of each perspective in practice. The presentation should be complimentary to the presentation by the class facilitator and stimulate class discussion.
Assessment Criteria:
Has the CLN demonstrated a clear understanding of the designated subject matter for the presentation?
Has the CLN connected theory to practice?
Was the presentation well organised?
Were examples appropriate?
How well did the student answer questions from the class/lecturer?
Was the presentation interesting, relevant and pitched at the right level?
Did the presenter engage with the audience and encourage class thinking and discussion?
Assessment Task 3 – Examination
Examination: Take Home Exam
Total Weight: 50% of the marks for the course
Date: To be advised - Examination Period (24th October – 11th November 2016).
Length: The exam requires 45 minutes reading time and five hours writing. The exam answer must be typed on Microsoft Word and submitted to TurnItin by the allotted deadline.
The examination has two parts.
Part 1 Theory and Practice
Weighing: 25%
Purpose: To test the individual students understanding of the theory component of the course. To encourage reflection. To work to time.
Process/Assessment: The student will be required to respond to 2 of 4 theory and practice questions developed for the test. The questions asked will be challenging, focusing on classic tools of strategic analysis and/or contemporary events in the strategic management field – i.e. the course delivered. Students will need strong familiarity with the text and readings materials provided. Questions will be topic specific but may include a part asking the student for reflection.
Part 2 Case Study
Weighing: 25%
Purpose: To apply the individual students knowledge of the tools and techniques of strategic analysis and understanding of the strategy process to a practical situation. To work to time.
Process/Assessment: Students will be advised of the Case Study for the test in Session 11. The student will receive a clean copy of the case in the test.
All the information needed to respond to the case is provided in the case, the text, and class materials. Specific questions are given for the case and students will need to directly address these questions in their answer to score a Credit grade or higher.
Students should analyse the case situation and also make recommendations as to what the company and/or individual(s) in the case should do. The analysis should address four issues:
• External, Industry Environment Analysis and Critical Success Factors.
• Company Analysis.
• Recommendations, including justifications, of how the organisation should address these key issues.
The recommendations should be consistent with the analysis and pick up all major issues identified in the analysis. The subject leader will be looking for students to identify, prioritise and address the key issues impacting shareholder and stakeholder value. Attention should also be given to the logic of the argument.
All relevant RMIT University Policies on assessment apply.
代写 BUSM3255_1650 (Strategy) assignment